
Monday, May 7, 2012

Reviews, News, & Interviews for the Demimonde!

Today, I put myself into solitary confinement to get BLOOD RUSH polished up and ready to go.

There's a lot at stake on my sequel. It seems my editor, whom we call La Principessa, has grown emotionally attached to my original story. She tells me she loves my book. Well, my book loves her back. The sequal is just as much for her as it is for me, now.

I can't let La Mia Principessa down!

So, I've cut myself off from morning television until the ms is in the mail. I've only missed the first few minutes of Good Morning America and already I am jonesing. How can I go a month without Tweeting @SamChampion? He's my Twitter buddy! We have a THING!

Oh, Blood Rush. You're really going to make me work for it, aren't you...

It's not only La Mia Principessa who wants the's also the head editor. I named her My Lord Editor pretty much right at the beginning of our relationship (come to think of it, I also think I promised her blood and souls in the contract...I better check that thing out again). My Lord Editor has decreed that anyone who's given Bleeding Hearts a favorable review--and there are many of you, *hugs* *MWAH* *squee*--may get a Blood Rush ARC when they come out this Fall. See? I'm not the only one who truly loves and appreciates my Demimonde!

I'm also becoming more Blogger savvy...see the different page tabs at the top of the blog? (Yep, I'm pretty proud of myself, too.) Anyone wishing to receive a copy of Bleeding Hearts in exchange for honest review can find my contact details there. Hit me up any way you want. I'm easy like that.

Since I may receive a review or two this month, I'll be setting up a GOODREADS GIVEAWAY of a print copy of Bleeding Hearts. It'll be up soon and run until the end of May so there's plenty of time for you to enter. I'll post the link as soon as it's up.

Finally, saving the best for last again...Niina of For The Love Of Reading mailed me and said she wanted to chat again. She's posted a lovely review of Bleeding Hearts on her blog last month...take a moment to peek at her beautiful blog! Our conversation was even more fun because I included a sneak peak at Blood Rush. Hope you enjoy it...

Looking forward to lots of writing, lots of editing, and my break on Saturday when I go to see LACUNA musical muses. Can. Not. Wait.

(Also, I have pit tickets. I need to remember to wear flat shoes this time.)

Have a great week!


  1. YAY can't wait for Blood Rush !!

  2. Thanks, Elodie! I know you'll like it because it's got your boy Rodrian in it... <3


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