
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Night Owl Reviews Summer Fun Web Hunt

Welcome to my Night Owl Reviews Summer Web Hunt post...glad you stopped by!

I'm thrilled to be a part of this awesome event--so many great prizes that are up for grabs. Books, gift cards, swag--talk about booty! I've won books in NOR's web hunts before so I personally know how much fun this is. I also found so many great new authors and books so it was a huge win all around...

I know you're here to find a special answer and I'm going to totally make it worth your time….'cause I got a BONUS WIN in this post!

The clue lies within the pages of the Demimonde…

BLEEDING HEARTS is the first book in my Demimonde series. Sophie Galen is an advice columnist who has a little secret…one she doesn't even know. Yet.

When she meets Marek, he seems to draw her secrets to the surface. His redemption depends on her. Unfortunately, he's got secrets of his own—dark secrets, terrible truths that are hard to share. He is Demivampire, in danger of losing his treacherous soul.

Sophie is drawn into his world, step by step, tempted by his seduction, enticed by his need, and lured by the promise of a love for which she searched half her life. What is her secret—and is she strong enough to accept her own truths?

Bleeding Hearts was released this March through Pink Narcissus Press. The follow-up, Blood Rush, is on the editor's desk (if her laptop is on her desk, I suppose) and is expected March 2013. I'm going deeper into the Demimonde…and I hope you'll join me.

I've got an extra giveaway for you all. In addition to providing Marek's hint for the Night Owl Summer Fun Web Hunt, I have an extra surprise for followers of the Demimonde. Use the Rafflecopter form below to follow me and the Demimonde and you can win a print copy of Bleeding Hearts and a ten dollar gift card to Barnes & Noble! Earn bonus entries by Tweeting about the giveaway...the more, the merrier, I say!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for visiting my Demimonde…I'm thrilled to share my world with you. Be sure to stop back some time to check out the review links on the side bar to see why Bleeding Hearts is getting great reviews. Readers love Sophie and Marek and the world of the Demivampire. Will you?

I have a great idea for a Bonus Bonus Win! Since I'm trying to spread the word about Bleeding Hearts and the Books of the Demimonde, I can really use your help.

Anyone who puts my Rafflecopter widget on their page to promote my book will be entered in a private raffle…for a $25 dollar Amazon Gift Card! Just leave your name and a link to your page in a comment on this post so that I can verify your entry. You can find the link to the widget here...  So far, I've verified three pages (hugs and cheers, ladies!) If you're the next one to help me promote my book, you'd have a one in four chance of snagging that gift card. Damn good odds, I'd say! What do you say?

My thanks for your help in getting the word out about Bleeding Hearts and the Books of the Demimonde. Without enthusiastic readers and helpful friends, our books would remain our secrets…and books are secrets we should never keep from our friends. <3

 Hugs and thanks for joining the Demimonde!


  1. I just got control of my blog back at long last and I just had to post about this awesome giveaway...

    Ladyvampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  2. Thanks, Lady! <3

    I just found you on Twitter...glad to meet you and thanks for spreading the Demimonde!

  3. Hey there! I just finished posting about Bleeding Hearts on my blog. I haven't been too active lately but this is a great way to get me motivated again! I am looking forward to reading Bleeding Hearts.

  4. Thank you, Heather! Always glad to inspire another...usually it's me looking for inspiration so it's a nice switch. :)

    I appreciate your support and look forward to visiting your blog!

  5. Hi Ashton, Following link from NOR Summer contest and discovered your other giveaway. My problem is, I don't have a twitter account so I can't unlock the other entry options. Is there anything you can do to help me with that? Thanks.

  6. Hi Karen,

    Thanks for entering and learning more about the Demimonde!

    Try entering your Twitter name as @IDontHaveATwitter and see if it allows you to continue.

    Twitter is free and easy to sign up but I know a lot of people aren't yet using it...I myself took years to get an account.

    However, it helps me try in touch with the outside world--I love scanning Twitter for news headlines, book reviews, and other announcements. If Betty White can get on the Twitter, so can I!

    1. Thanks for this twitter tip! Say that fast 3 times! LOL Anyway, it worked. I'll keep it in mind for future use.

  7. Great contest. Thanks for hosting it.

  8. Thank you!!


    1. Thanks, Chelsea...I'm proud to help kick off your blog! Love the background...great picture.

      Cheers and best wishes!

  9. New to NOR. The hunt should be fun. Thanks for the giveaway.

    strive4bst at yahoo dot com

  10. You book sounds good, I'm adding to my TBR list!

  11. Thank you, Hildie! I'm glad you entered the contest--good luck!


I'd love to hear from you!