
Monday, July 16, 2012

We have a WINNAH!

Two winnahs, in fact, because when it comes to champions, two are always better than one.

While we await the award list from Night Owl Reviews SUMMER FUN WEB HUNT, we can ask Rafflecopter who the winner of my Old Friends and New Followers contest is...


Thank you, Aliia, for entering my contest and for Tweeting about my book to all your friends. I truly appreciate your support and am glad you joined my Demimonde!

Aliaa will receive an autographed print copy of BLEEDING HEARTS: BOOK ONE OF THE DEMIMONDE as well as a gift card to the big B&N. Congrats, Aliaa! I'll email you shortly for your contact info...


Aliaa isn't the only one who goes home with a goody...I also want to extend a special thank you to the ladies who put my Rafflecopter form on their blog and encouraged their friends to learn more about my book.

The winner of the blogger's special raffle for a 25$ Amazon GC goes to...

Lady Vampire!

Thanks, Lady Vampire, for the great post you put up. Best wishes for you and your blog! Watch the email for a note from me...

And thank you to everyone for the countless entries and Tweets in support of my NOR Summer Fun bonus games. I hope you guys win something in the scavenger hunt--one of my prizes is a 50$ Amazon spending spree.

If you subscribed to the blog, you'll never miss out on a single contest or giveaway or news updates about the Semimonde series. I'm anticipating a few more reviews before the end of the summer so I hope I have good news worth sharing!

Thank you all for your support...congrats to the Demimonde's latest winners...and have a great week, everyone. Cheers!


  1. I just want to thank you so much! What an awesome surprise. :) And congrats to Aliaa also on their win.

  2. You are so welcome, Lady!

    I'm blessed to have had the opportunity to welcome you gals to the Demimonde...thanks everyone for your support!


I'd love to hear from you!