
Friday, March 30, 2012

I Was Nominated for Reader's Choice Award...please vote!

Voting for the March Readers Choice book awards is now open—please vote for Ash Krafton as your favorite author!

Earlier in March I had a guest spot on (You can check out my post where I talk about those times when vamps just ain't enough for a gal like me… ) It was my first blog appearance to promote my first novel…I'd love it if it turned into my first blog award.

I need your help!

Below is the voting link. Please pass it on—I'd truly appreciate your support! (Voting is EASY too—click a box and hit "vote".)

Voting closes March 30th at midnight so get your votes in today…

The voting will last for 4 days and winners will be announced on March 31st. Winners will also get a spiffy award graphic to put on their site. You have no idea how much I'd love a shiny blog badge. (The husband black-flagged me for buying new shoes so this is my new thing. :D Keep me from jonesing!)

Thanks for all your support…we're in the second week of my virtual book tour and going strong. Have you entered the Bleeding Hearts Book Tour prize drawing? If not, there is still time…read this post to see what you can win!                                                                                                                                                     


I'd love to hear from you!