
Saturday, March 31, 2012


I had a great time at this month's PROUDLY PARANORMAL Blog Hop. Hope you did, too.

Special thanks go to Ariana Ryan for her hard work and dedication to getting this event going and keeping it going. It gave me an opportunity to check out several writers who were new to me. My TBR pile has grown substantially, thanks to Ariana!

The winner of an ebook copy of my debut BLEEDING HEARTS: Book one of the Demimonde and a Ten Dollar B&N gift card go to Liv Rancort. Email me, sweets, and collect your booty!

And everyone who isn't Liv--don't be sad that you didn't win this prize because there is still a chance to get your karma into the Bleeding Hearts end of book tour giveaway! It's an even bigger prize. And yes Liv, you can enter, too. I know you wanna.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to stop by. Have a great weekend...


I'd love to hear from you!