
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Reader's Choice March 2012...Thanks to all of you!

I was so excited to find I was eligible to compete for Grave Tells News and Reviews...and I'm glad to say that excitement was contagious enough to spread. Thanks you all of you who voted...I won!

*sigh* Isn't it shiny?

I am humbly grateful to everyone who voted because this poll was a real nail-biter. I was up against a multi-pubbed author with a huge fan base...and here I'm a debut, less than a month out on the market. How can a girl even compete?

But, you  took the time to click on the link and mark off my name in a simple act of kindness. Just want you all to know it means the world to me.

Not just because you helped me win this awesome shiny thing.

It means the world to me because it makes me feel like I'm not talking into a void, after all. It makes me feel better about putting my book out into the world because it has you in it. I would have hated for something so near and dear to me going out into a hollow void where it would be alone.

But it has you. :)

Thanks for voting and making me feel happy about SO MUCH MORE than a nifty graphic.



  1. That's so awesome !! Congrats :)

  2. WOO HOO!!!!!!! Congrats, Ash! That button looks fabulous on your blog! ;)

  3. Congratulations, Ash! So happy to share in this with you :)


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