Monday, March 5, 2012

The Bleeding Hearts Virtual Book Tour *updated*

To celebrate the release of my debut urban fantasy BLEEDING HEARTS: BOOK ONE OF THE DEMIMONDE on March 15, we'll be embarking on a month-long virtual book tour.

I'll be visiting a group of fantastic bloggers and authors, sharing interviews and secrets and excerpts along the way. At the end of it all, one lucky reader will win a Bleeding Hearts prize package, filled with whatever retail therapy finds its way inside.


3/19 The tour kicks off with a guest blog about writer's voice and giveaway at

3/20 Author of chick lit and women's fiction Shelly Bell reviews at!

3/21 Another guest post with excerpt and giveaway at

3/21 I'll also visit with Red Tash for Writer Wednesday at The dark fantasy equivalent of wackiness will ensue.

3/22 An interview with author Katheryn Lane at reveals the secret of the Sophia Oracle and her role in the destiny of a demivampire.


3/26 We scoot over to Alexx's blog at for a guest post about the elusive muse.

3/26 Speaking of that muse, I also visit Susan Helene Gottfried's site where she asks me just one, single question: What song makes me think of my book?

3/28 Heidi Ruby Miller will allow me to pick six…questions, that is! See what secrets I spill at

3/29 Author Julie Kenner invites me to share my journey: how I went from hobby writer to published author.

3/29 Then, author Shelly Bell and I bring you an important public service announcement from DAVE (Demivampire Against Vampire Evolution).

3/30 Lyndi Alexander is my host...we'll be sharing an excerpt from Bleeding Hearts.

4/2 A double-header: first, an interview with Carolyn Kaufman on the Query Tracker blog...

4/2 ...then I'll share an excerpt with Robin Badillo on her smexy blog!

4/4 Fellow Triberr blogger and paranormal fanatic Laurie Jenkins loves excerpts and giveaways--and I'd never disappoint her. Stop by for a sneak-peak of Bleeding Hearts as my main character Sophie gets tested for oracular powers at the gathering of the Demivampire Conclave.  

4/4 Guest post and prize over at Sidney Bristol's website!

4/5 Meet fellow Pink Narcissus Press author Stuart Sharp when I stop by for a chat at

4/6 Guest-blogging at Sapphyria's Book Reviews! She'll be reviewing Bleeding Hearts later in the Spring, too.

4/9 A review and interview (and giveaway, of course!) at Niina's gorgeous blog

4/11 Laurie's my host at the Reader Girls'  blog Read an excerpt and see why I chose this special selection.

4/12 Carmel of the howl-worthy Rabid Reads will review Bleeding Hearts at her blog Want to become namesake to a Were from the Books of the Demimonde? Enter this special giveaway!
4/14 Friend and fellow author Tricia Schneider helps me wrap-up the tour with a look of what lies ahead in the Books of the Demimonde.

The blog tour contest will run until April 18. The widget below will go live on March 17--so be sure to get your name in!

What's up for grabs? Hmm...let's see...So far, there's--

  • A copy of Bleeding Hearts: Book One of the Demimonde
  • Pink Narcissus Press Prize Pack: Rapunzel's Daughter, Court of Dreams, and WTF!
  • A "Bleeding Hearts" necklace from the Victorian Trading Company
  • Body Fantasies "Vampire" fragrance gift set
  • Bleeding Hearts coffee mug (naturally)
  • gift cards, bookmarks, swag, swag, swag!

Are you in it to win it? Jump into the Rafflecopter entry form and enter away. Some things (like Tweeting about the giveaway each day) will get you extra points so you can increase your odds of winning.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck on winning...and thank you from the bottom of my (bleeding) heart for joining me. Stay tuned for more events and for the BIG RELEASE DAY!


  1. So very excited for you, Ash! I'll be lurking around to see the tour stuff. ^.^

  2. Yay! I want to read this so bad...thanks for the contest!

  3. Thanks for the giveaway! This is definitely a book I want to read : )

  4. Sounds like a very busy tour!! Good luck and congrats on the new series!! sounds intriguing! i've added it to my GoodReads TBR list.

  5. Hi! Thanks for this chance! Saw the tour on Carmel book blog!!!
    The book sounds really nice! I follow as Proserpine on GFC and Linky!!!


  6. Congrats. Shout out from blogger at

  7. I can’t wait to learn more about your book!


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