Quintessence: Enchanted
Bookstore Legend Five
Barbaric Dark Realm warfare threatens to overtake all Dragonspeir lands, including the Alliance. Lyra McCauley, the fifth Scribe of the Alliance, finds herself in a desperate competition to gather four missing keystones. Those amulets of the four natural elements guarantee victory for the side possessing them. The Dark Realm’s alchemist, Eburscon, beats her to finding the water gem, the Pearl of Pendola. Three more keystones remain: the fluorite containing earth energy, the moonstone of the sky, and the fiery, dangerous Emtori Ruby.
The powerful gems, stolen centuries ago, channel astral energies and can restore much-needed Alliance power—the last hope. The wizard, Cullen, who is Lyra’s beloved, relies on Alliance magic for his immortality and will perish if the land falls to the Dark Realm.
Lyra uses her rare magical energies of quintessence and the Staurolite, governor of the four natural elements, to guide her to the hidden keystones. However, greed and power drive opponents, who challenge her in close pursuit, planning to destroy the Alliance, or to claim the power of quintessence for themselves.
The Dark Realm captures the ten-year-old Alliance seer, Kessa. Her abilities can give them information about the locations of the keystones, complicating Lyra’s plans. Will her love, allegiance, and quintessence allow her to save Cullen, Kessa, and the Alliance before the Dark Realm claims all of Dragonspeir?
Purchase Links for series:
Seeking a Scribe: Enchanted
Bookstore Legend One
Heritage Avenged:
Enchanted Bookstore Legend Two
Lost Volumes:
Enchanted Bookstore Legend Three
Staurolite: Enchanted
Bookstore Legend Four
Quintessence: Enchanted Bookstore Legend
The Ruling Dragons from Marsha A. Moore’s Enchanted Bookstore Legends
Dragon lovers will not be disappointed with the Enchanted Bookstore Legends, an epic fantasy romance. I love
dragons and have included many types, ages, and sizes. The rule of the
fantasy world of Dragonspeir is divided between the good Alliance, governed by
the Imperial Dragon, a magnificent golden type, and the opposing Dark Realm,
led by the Black Dragon.
When Lyra McCauley, opens an enchanted book, she confronts a
series of quests where she is expected to save Dragonspeir from destruction by
the evil Black Dragon. In my latest release, Quintessence, barbaric Dark Realm warfare
threatens to overtake all Dragonspeir lands, including the Alliance. Thousands
of innocent lives are in danger. The wizard, Cullen, who is Lyra’s beloved,
relies on Alliance magic for his immortality and will perish if the land falls
to the Dark Realm.
connections, stolen centuries ago, are desperately needed to restore magical
strength to the Alliance. Its Guardians, including the Imperial Dragon, and
residents now look to Lyra and her new powers of quintessence as their last
The Ruling Dragons of
DragonspeirGolden dragons are born leaders, being lawful, just and good. Their intelligence exceeds the other types, and their wisdom is sought after. Being good-natured, they help those who are kind and fair. The Imperial Leader helps train and guide Lyra along her quest. Golds are the most powerful and largest in size. The breath weapon of gold dragons is a cone of fire. Although they are cautious about entering a fight and dislike killing, once engaged, they will pour their entire being into the battle.
Physically, gold dragons are spectacular. Two prominent horns point backwards along their heads. The most obvious feature is probably the tentacle whiskers that sprout from the bottom of the gold dragon's jaw, giving the appearance of a sort of beard in both males and females.
Like his father before him, the present Imperial Dragon will serve the Alliance until either he dies or steps down. Similar to most golds, he keeps his Alliance headquarters in a grand network of caves set in the rock plateau. His overlooks the Steppe of Ora, the wide plain which divides good and evil in Dragonspeir. His lair includes an elaborate gathering hall, a vast library, guest quarters, and his own personal chambers with cases of magical instruments and a glass-walled observatory to consult the stars. As one of the four Alliance Guardians, his area of expertise is magic powered by the air element, including mystical astronomy studies of the skies.
Black dragons, like the leader of the Dark Realm, always seek to lair in deep dark caves. Although small, they are vile, evil-tempered, and abusive. Their hearts are as dark as their slimy scales. They are obsessed with death and take comfort in the sickening-sweet aroma of drowned, rotting carcasses. During her bloodswear quest, Lyra held her stomach with the stench when she was required to sneak into the chambers of the heir to the Black Dragon and perform fascination on him. The current Black Dragon leader prefers his drake servants leave the prey they bring him in pools within his personal cave. The victims float for days or weeks before he eats them. The dark leader, like all black dragons, is grim and skeletal. His eyes lie deep in their sockets between two great horns that curve forward and down. The flesh of his face is partially deteriorated or burnt from his acidic drool. His method of attack is spitting caustic acid. Lyra and Cullen, learned too well what that felt like.
the final book of the series opens, Lyra has just found the staurolite stone in
an enchanted tide pool. The function of the gem is to control the four magical
keystones—corresponding to air, water, fire, and earth—that together channel
astral energies. Once Lyra learns how to use the staurolite to guide her new
power of quintessence, gathering the keystones and saving the Alliance from the
Dark Realm should be easy. Not quite.
realizing Lyra has gained control of her quintessence, the Black Dragon and his
evil alchemist, Eburscon, scheme and plot to steal that power. As one of the
most learned men in the land, Eburscon is a formidable adversary. If he
succeeds in taking Lyra’s quintessence for his own use, the Dark Realm will rule
supreme. Its residents will be killed or enslaved, Lyra will be left comatose
without her aura, and her beloved Cullen will perish without the Alliance magic
he relies upon to maintain his immortality. The risks are huge. Find out if
Lyra can master her new power in time to block attacks against her, Cullen, and
the Alliance—in Quintessence: Enchanted Bookstore Legend Five.

Marsha A. Moore is an author of fantasy romance. Much of her life feeds the creative flow she uses to weave highly imaginative tales.
The magic of art and nature often spark life into her writing, as well as watercolor painting and drawing. After a move from Toledo to Tampa in 2008, she’s happily transformed into a Floridian, in love with the outdoors. Marsha is crazy about cycling. She lives with her husband on a large saltwater lagoon, where taking her kayak out for an hour or more is a real treat. She never has enough days spent at the beach, usually scribbling away at stories with toes wiggling in the sand. Every day at the beach is magical! She’s been a yoga enthusiast for over a decade and recently completed a year-long Kripalu-affiliated yoga teacher training program. The spiritual quest of her yoga studies helps her explore the mystical side of fantasy.
Social Media Links
Website: http://MarshaAMoore.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/MarshaAMoore
Google +: http://google.com/+MarshaAMoore
Thank you, Ash, for inviting me to be your guest today!
The second Enchanted Bookstore Legend,
Heritage Avenged, will be on sale January 9th - 12th for 99 cents on Amazon.
Tour-wide Giveaway Contest:
ebook set of Enchanted Bookstore Legends, a 5-part epic fantasy romance series
5 ebook copies of Quintessence: Enchanted Bookstore
Legend Five
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ReplyDeleteDragons? Love them to bits. The more books about them the better. :-)
Anna from Shout with Emaginette