Saturday, January 10, 2015

WORDS THAT BIND #sale, #blitz, & #giveaway!


on sale for lowest price ever!

You may have had a peek at my fantasy romance "Words That Bind" by now.... well, here's a chance to snap it up for only 99 cents!

Readers are falling head over heels for Burns, the genie who's tracked his talisman all the way to Philadelphia, PA only to find it in the possession of social worker Tam Kerish. He plans to charm, beguile, and bed it away from her but doesn't realize her code of ethics isn't just iron-clad--it's bound in magic.

It will take more than sweet talk or passionate kisses to get their happy ending--together, they'll face tough decisions, a dark sorcerer, and the most Forbidden of wishes.

Today until January 23
you can get a copy of the Words That Bind ebook
for the special low price of 99 cents
from just about any of your favorite ebook retailers...
Here is a quick list!

The Wild Rose Press: 

All Romance: 


Barnes & Noble:


Blogs Reviewing:
Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock
Place of Reads
Cruising Susan Book Reviews
Stephanie's Book Reports
TBE - DawnMarie


  1. i will let people now about teh promotion ( so i should post my review before the date limit too ( i'm just waiting until i heal first *bad sinus infection*) but i will follow teh tour^^


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