I'll also give you a peek at my book, TAKIN' IT BACK, which will appear in the HH boxed set. Hope you enjoy!

I'm a rocker at heart so I'm totally going to say Cristina Scabbia of the gothic metal band Lacuna Coil. She's wicked beautiful and absolutely fierce on stage. If she can fight the way she can sing, she'd be the gal I'll stand behind.
Now, if I have to pick someone I actually know, then it's my daughter. The newly-minted college freshman is absolutely kick-ass without even trying. When she was in grade school, we nick-named her "Enyo" and wow, did she live up to the name. :)
She's trained in mixed martial arts, loves weaponry (she got a collapsible baton for her 17th birthday and came home from Europe with a knife collection. The rest of us got t-shirts), and can handle herself in the front stage crowd of a raucous concert.
Through it all, she deals with the challenges of having bipolar II disorder. The overwhelming mood swings often threaten to derail her plans and ambitions but she manages to conquer and persevere. She puts her passion into social justice and the protection of those who can't protect themselves. She never lets her symptoms make bad choices for her and she doesn't let her chemistry beat her down.
I admire her strength and her beauty and her ability to use her super powers for good, not destruction--and that's a kick-ass heroine anymore can admire.
USA Today bestselling author Ash Krafton writes urban fantasy for upper-YA+ audiences. At the moment, she's working on snagging another stint as the Ultimate Sinner on SiriusXM Radio's "Ozzy's Boneyard". Find out more at ashkrafton.com.
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Takin' It Back
Twenty-year-old Aerie works for her father's magical supply shop, but itís a job she hates: sheís the repo man. Sheíd much rather be the storeís new Aquisitioner but Dad says itís a job for someone who finds things, not loses them. Totally unfair, since the only thing she ever really lost was some crummy old book when she was a kid. Even more unfair is that heís considering her worst enemy for the job. When she finds a file on a mysterious amulet, she sees the perfect opportunity to prove her worth to her dadóand takes off after it.
Collateral recovery is a nasty business. What makes repossession even nastier is when the collateral possesses you. Sure, demonic possession comes in handy when getting out of speeding tickets or facing off with oneís nemesis, but no one flirts with damnation without being tainted. And if that doesn't suck enough, it turns out the spirit in the amulet belongs to your mother. Your nagging, dissatisfied, know-it-all, thank-God-sheís-gone mother.
And wait, it gets better. She wants your father--the only family you have left--dead.
There's gonna be one Hell of a family reunion.
Takin It Back is EXCLUSIVE to...

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USA Today bestselling author Heather Marie Adkins
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USA Today bestselling author Michelle Hercules
LJ Andrews
Louisa Klein
USA Today Bestselling Author Melle Amade
Award-Winning author Ashley C. Harris
Award-Winning author Kim Cleary
Maria Monroe
Christina Walker
USA Today bestselling author Alex Owens
Award-Winning author D.D. Miers
Gina A. Watson
USA Today bestselling author Ash Krafton
Elise Marion
Award-Winning author Carly Fall
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