It's that time again--the time for ghostlights in the yard and costumes from the cosplay company and blog hops with my Halloweenie writer friends.
This year, I'll be hopping with a couple of different events so mark your calendars. It's going to be a busy week!
2012 Annual COFFIN HOP
Join me and my dark fantasy/horror story-slinging friends for a week of creepy delights. The hop begins October 24, 2012.

I'll also be participating in another hop that week. This Halloween blog hop is hosted by Sunset Reader Reviews and Forbidden Passions. You can see the sign-up list and links on this post from Sunset Reader.

Hosted by I Am a Reader, Not a Writer and The Diary of a Bookworm, this is without doubt the BIGGEST EVENT I've ever joined--there are almost 500 blogs listed in this thing! You definitely want to get your housework done the week before this hop...check out the list right here and see why you don't want to miss out on this hop.
I'll be giving away gift cards and ebooks and swag and who knows what else during these hops so I hope you'll stop by. (I can't wait to see what goodies come home from Disney with me this year!)
Watch the blog for individual posts to announce each event and enter for your chance to WIN, WIN, WIN!
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