Friday, November 30, 2012

Vampire Book Realm Authors to Chat on November 30

Today, authors of the Vampire Book Realm
will be hanging out in the Latte Lounge...
come and chat!
The Latte Lounge is a Yahoo group
hosted by Coffee Time Romance. 

Cover Reveal: World of Shell and Bone by Adriana Ryan

The Demimonde Blog welcomes Adriana Ryan, author of World of Shell and Bone


Coming December 7th, 2012

In a world ravaged by a nuclear holocaust, Vika Cannon knows there are no guarantees: no guarantees of safety, no guarantees that your neighbor is not actually a spy for the government, and no guarantees you’ll be allowed to emigrate to a new life in Asia.

New Amana is dying. Food and water are scarce, and people suffering from radiation-caused mutations—the Nukeheads—are the new class of homeless.

Vika has just one purpose: to produce healthy progeny using a Husband assigned by the Match Clinic. Unhealthy children are carted away to Asylums to be experimented on, just as Vika’s little sister Ceres was, eight years ago. Parents incapable of producing healthy progeny are put to death in gas chambers.
When she’s assigned a Husband shortly after her twentieth birthday, Vika expects him to be complacent and obedient. But Shale Underwood has a secret. He is a member of the Radicals, the terrorist group intent on overthrowing the government. And Shale has information about Ceres.

As she learns more about the Rads’s plan, Vika finds herself drawn to Shale in ways she’d never imagined. When freedom calls in the way of a healthy pregnancy, will she betray her government and risk death for Shale and Ceres?

Author Adriana Ryan

Bio: Adriana Ryan lives and writes in Charleston, SC. She is currently at work on a dystopian and an urban fantasy series. A huge fan of spooky stuff and shoes, she enjoys alternately hitting up the outlet malls and historic graveyards.
Adriana Ryan is a member of the Romance Writer’s Association (RWA).
Connect with Adriana!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Upcoming BLOOD RUSH Cover Reveal Tour

Join us December 5, 2012 when Dark World Books hosts my cover reveal for BLOOD RUSH: Book Two of the Demimonde!
BLOOD RUSH (Demimonde #2) is forthcoming with Pink Narcissus Press May 14, 2013.
Dark World Books offers customized boutique services for independent and published authors of Urban/Dark Fantasy, Dystopian, Steampunk, YA Paranormal, Paranormal Romance, Historical Romance and Dark Erotica genres.
Blood Rush Cover Reveal Hosts’ list:
New to the Demimonde? Click HERE to see what readers are saying about BLEEDING HEARTS: Book One of the Demimonde.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Next Big Thing

My friend, author Rosemary DiBattista, got this crazy idea in her head that I might be the next big thing. She mentioned me in her latest post, which was so much fun to read that I had to play along.

Let's just pretend I am the next big thing....and I'm being interviewed by Rosemary, who truly is the next big thing. This is how it would go. :)


What is your working title of your book?

Blood Rush: Book Two of the Demimonde

Where did the idea come from for the book?

This is the second book in the Demimonde series. Book one, BLEEDING HEARTS, began when I had a dream about the hero and I woke up with the tagline in my head: Saving the world, one DAMNED person at a time.

That story developed in steps and snapshots of inspiration. The second book was started more or less simultaneously, and built on the main theme of redemption.  I write about vampires--more specifically, demivampires.

Traditionally, vampires feed on blood. What if sometimes it's more drug than food? I'm a pharmacist when my readers aren't looking, so I'm having a lot of fun exploring that idea. (Also having a lot of fun writing Rode's scenes. I love shocking my editor.)

What genre does your book fall under?

Urban fantasy. It's paranormal with romantic elements.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Zooey Deschanel would be a perfect Sophie.

The late Peter Steele could have given Marek a run for his (blood)money.

As for Rodrian, I just saw the perfect guy in a Perry Ellis ad, although he'd need hazel eyes instead of blue (and a sly grin). The wet dark curls tumbling down his forehead make him a dead ringer for my demivamp.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

The Books of the Demimonde: Sophie returns in Blood Rush where, these days, she's not interested in "happily ever after"--she'd settled for "alive until sunrise".

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

Neither. J I work independently with the editors of a small but mighty publisher, Pink Narcissus Press.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

Started it in, oh, 2006, I think. First draft was penned in between writing/marketing the first book. The final submission was completed this past June when my editor cracked the whip and commanded me to present her with another book. 

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Tough call--most books would focus on the romance of the story line and EVERYONE KNOWS the difference between urban fantasy and paranormal romance--right? I'd be drawn and quartered by romance readers everywhere if I dared promise something my book doesn't necessarily have: a happy-ever-after ending.

In my defense, however, I will steal (and perhaps maim) a line from  The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel: Everything will be all right in the end... if it's not all right then it's not yet the end.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

The characters of the first book inspired me and demanded I further adore them with stories of their trials and triumphs. Music keeps me inspired--Lacuna Coil and their emotional melodies, especially.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

I created the mythological origins of my demivampires and werewolves by incorporating element from ancient Egypt. The rich treasure trove of legend and lore provide countless what if moments where I write in my demivampiric origins.

Include the link of who tagged you and this explanation for the people you have tagged.

My dear friend Rosemary DiBattista tagged me. She is a writer of cozy mysteries and romance, whose post you can find here.
My cracklin' Rose. :) I'm sure I'll pay dearly for calling her that.

Several other friends are most worthy of mentioning because I think each of them are definitely The Next Big Thing.

Tricia Schneider is a paranormal romance author whose books are available through The Wild Rose Press. We once shared a mall…now we share a publisher. J She dwells in the Shadows of Romance and occasionally visits me at the mall, which still holds me prisoner.

Danyelle Leafty writes fantasy for MG and YA audiences. I loved reading her book The Fairy Godmother Dilemma#1: Catspell and keep it on my desk where I can admire its splendor. She's one of my Query Tracker blog buddies.

Julie Jansen is a science fiction and horror writer. We fool around a lot with our fellow Coffin Hoppers and share a publisher in Pink Narcissus Press. She recently mailed me a set of bloody handprint window clings. They are so cute!

Jane Lebak also writes for the Query Tracker blog and every single one of her posts make me sit back and think--WHY AREN'T I WRITING LIKE THAT? She is a novelist, an essayist, a work shop presenter, a blogger, and a mom to a huge family. If you need to feel like you aren't working hard enough to get everything done, here is your motivation. Her publications list will make you feel completely inadequate but her sharp and occasionally inappropriate sense of humor makes it all better.

And Red Tash. Now, she was tagged by our friend Kim Koning earlier but she is too good to miss. Red writes dark fantasy and doesn't hold back--not even in her YouTube videos. LURVE that girl. Here is a link to her own NTB post.







Coming Soon: End of the World Bloghop!

Stay tuned...the end is near.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Want to join in the fun?


Thursday, November 1, 2012

New Review November!

Boy. It's quiet around here.

I just came off a triple-threat giveaway week when I participated in three different Halloween blog hops. This morning, I Rafflecoptered the winners and started sending out prizes. In the wake of so much activity, this morning the crickets are barely chirping on my Blogger page.

There is only one cure for the End Of Giveaway Blues...a bit of good ole hair of the dog.


I've decided that this is New Review November. Hence, the New Review November Giveaway.

Book Two of the Demimonde: BLOOD RUSH will be coming out early 2013 and the excitement is starting to build. Edits are steadily underway. The cover has been finalized and I'll be doing a cover reveal in December--just around the corner!

So, to support the new book's upcoming release, I'm opening the doors of my Demimonde to invite you all in.

Publishing is a noisy, crowded world, full of authors and publishers hollering READ THIS BOOK! I'm proud to be published by a small press but admit that getting my book seen in today's marketplace isn't an easy task.

Above all things, I want my book to fall into the hands and hearts of readers who will truly love the story...which is why I dearly appreciate my reviewers.

An enthusiastic review is the best gift a reader could ever give me--that kind of enthusiasm spreads like wildfire, like electricity over wires. Word-of-mouth is the most powerful marketing tool any author could wield.

I am gracious for every review I receive because they are like love letters to my book...and, to say THANK YOU to my reviewers, I am organizing a little giveaway...just for them.

Anyone who posts their review of BLEEDING HEARTS between today and November 15, 2012 is eligible to win one of two 25$ Amazon giftcards. The raffle form will remain open until midnight on November 18, 2012 in order to accomodate last minute entries. (Review must have been posted by midnight on November 15 to qualify.)

Additional entires may be earned by following BLEEDING HEARTS around the 'net. Just follow the steps on the Rafflecopter form to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you, each and every reviewer, for your tremendous support of my books. My heart is within each of you.

Cheers, Ash