Well, I also promised to give away Advanced Reader Copies of The Heartbeat Thief to a few lucky people who played along. An announcement was promised, so *DRUMROLL*
First of all, the nickname chosen for our match made in heaven is Scary Jane. (Makes me giggle just typing it.)
Second of all, everyone who played along and provided an email address will get an ARC of the book.
So, yays!
ARCs will begin going out in the next few weeks, along with some tips on how you can help launch this book when it releases.
Which leads me to a third announcement... the release date!
The Heartbeat Thief
By AJ Krafton
Worldwide Release
September 18, 2015
(Kindle-only release June 12, 2015)
(Kindle-only release June 12, 2015)
I'm really excited about this book... and I hope you are, too.
Also watch for a print giveaway in the near future-- The Heartbeat Thief will initially only release in ebook format but I plan to create a few print proofs specifically for Goodreads giveaways. Talk about uber-limited edition!
Lastly, I thought I'd share the back cover... since print books need one. Otherwise they're left feeling like they're wearing an open-backed hospital gown.
Whatcha all think?